- Gegevens
- Categorie: Labelterrein (EN)
The campsite 'labelterrein Achter 't Heezerenbosch' is situated a few miles south of the city Eindhoven. You can reach the site by public transport, by car or by bike. GPS-coördinates of the main entrance: N51°22.180 E 005°32.096.
Public transport:
By train:
Take the train to trainstation Heeze. Check your journey via www.9292.nl.
Then take a 3 km walk from the trainstation to the campsite.
Walking from station Heeze:
From the platform, take the exit to the right (name of the street is 'de Leuren'). At the end, go leftt (de Ambachten. The street changes to Ten Borghwardlaan). Follow the footpath straigt ahead. Go right en after approx 200m the first hard surfaced road to the left. Take the first path to the right (Schaverspad). At the end of the path go straight ahead (Heezerenbosch). Walk on past the camping site. The hard surfaced road becomes a sand road with a bicycle path. You will find the main entrance after 500 m.
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By bicycle:The campsite can be reached by bicycle from many different directions. The campsite is situated near bicycle-knot 52. Use the website fietsrouteplanner to plan your route to knot 52.From this point take the forrest path South-East. This is a former railway. The path goes on top of the former railway embankment. After 300 m you will reach the campsite.
By car:
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- Gegevens
- Categorie: Labelterrein (EN)
Pricing as of 2024
For Scouting Netherlands members: €2,50 per night (water en tax included).
For other campers €3,00 per night (water en tax included).
To make a reservation please send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. with the following information.
We need the email no later then 2 weeks upfront.
* Name (scouting)group
* Address (scouting)group (for invoice)
* Name contact person
* Telephone numer contact person
* Period reservatoin (data of/until)
* Total persons
* transportation with truck/container Yes/No will this stay at our parking.
- Gegevens
- Categorie: Labelterrein (EN)
"Achter 't Heezerenbosch" realy is a primitive campsite, with a minimum of facilities.
Tapwater |
There are 2 points for tapwater on the site. Here you can collect water in jerry cans. It is not allowed to connect a hose. The water is safe to drink. |
Toilets and showers |
There are no toilets and no showers on the campsite. Each group is obligied to dig a lavatory on the day of arrival. Placing a dixie is possible only after permission of the staff. Ask your permission whem you place a reservation! A group can make a primitive shower of their own, but it is not allowed to connect it to the water taps. |
First Aid |
In weekends and during the evening you can go to a medical point / GP-observatory. It is situated in Geldrop. You need to contact first via telephone-number 0900-8861. Make sure you have all your personal and medical information ready when you make the call. On the phone you will get the adress of the medical point. |
Telephone |
There is no telephone on the campsite. Only in case of emergency the staff can be reached on the following phone numbers during high season (july 1st - august 31st). +31-6-52666824. |
Wood for pioneering |
Wood for pioneering is available on the campsite, lengths vary from 1-4 meter. The stock is limited, especially in the crowded weeks the supply can be insufficient for all the groups. Fair use and fair sharing will be applied by memebers off staff if necessary. |
Woodfire |
Provided that the community of Heeze-Leende grants us a permit it is possible to have campfires on the campsite. It is not necessary to apply for your own permit. The following rules apply: Longstanding drought can lead to a temporary ban of making fires. |
Other facilities |
On arrival the staff wil provide you with a small rolling container for your litter. |
- Gegevens
- Categorie: Labelterrein (EN)
The campsite "Labelterrein Achter 't Heezerenbosch" consists of 14 subsites each with other specific charesteristics. Below you will find the specifications of each subsite.
walking distance to | can be reached with³ | ||||||||||||
Subsite | Tents maximum dimensions¹ |
capacity maximum |
Dixie allowed?² |
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1 | 6 x 10 meter | 60 pers. | X | 75 m | 100 m | Yes |
2 | 6 x 10 meter | 30 pers. | X | 175 m | 25 m | Yes |
3 | 6 x 10 meter | 40 pers. | X | 250 m | 50 m | Yes |
4 | 10 x 60 meter | 70 pers. | X | 10 m | 150 m | Yes | yes near subsite 4 | ||||||
5 | 10 x 60 meter | 70 pers. | X | 200 m | 50 m | Yes | 25 m consult the staff | ||||||
6 | 10 x 60 meter | 70 pers. |
10 m | 150 m | Yes |
7 | 6 x 10 meter | 40 pers. |
25 m | 50 m | Yes |
8 | 6 x 10 meter | 30 pers. | X | 75 m | 150 m |
9 | 6 x 10 meter | 50 pers. | X | 200 m | 25 m | Yes |
10 | 5 x 5 meter | 30 pers. | X | 300 m | 100 m | 100 m |
11 | 6 x 6 meter | 50 pers. | X | 200 m | 25 m | Yes |
12 | 6 x 10 meter | 50 pers. | X | 200 m | 100 m | Yes |
13 | 10 x 60 meter | 70 pers. | X | 200 m | 150 m | Yes |
14 | 6 x 10 meter | 40 pers. | X | 175 m | 150 m | Yes |
- Gegevens
- Categorie: Labelterrein (EN)
Welcome to the Scouts Campsite Labelterrein "Achter 't Heezerenbosch"
Location The site is suited for scouts and other youth groups who -as a group- like to camp with a minimum of facilities in a natural surroundig with respect to this environment. Camping for non-scoutsgroups is possible under certain restrictions. Camping Landscape |