Emergency Plan:

(expanding fire, urgent medical aid, unwanted intruders)
Step 1: Make sure everybody is in a safe location
Step 2: Call the emergency number 112
Step 3: Notify the staff
In case of emergencies the assembly-point is the Y-junction, at the end of the asphalt road coming from the Heeze.

If emergency services have been warned this is also the point where a member of the group has to wait fvor the emergency services to lead them as soon as possible to the right location on the campsite.
Make sure every member of your group is aware of this assembly-point.
In case of a forrest fire everyone has to leave the campsite. At the assembly-point you have to register at the staff. The staff will check the groups first and then coördinate further care of groups and individuals.

Other issues:

(small fire, small medical aid (doctor/dentist), theft, annoyance, small injuries, ticks, bee stings, insect stings)
Adress to the staff. Staff is mostly 24/7 reachable via cell-phone. The staff has a list of dentists and doctors. And also a private number of the police. In absence of the staff these phone numbers are also to be found in the kitchen of the staff, on the door of the large box.

Tiks and other insects:
The staff is expert in the removal of ticks. If a tick is removed within 24 hours, infection with the Lyme dissease is very unlikely. Therefor it is advised to check daily (armpits, groins, legs).
Staff can provide you of a tick-registration-form. Very handy for the parents once your camp is over. 

Luckily this doesn't happen often. And if, then later on it appears to be part of a game. Avoid panic and inform the staff prior to such an activity.
To avoid theft it is adviced against taking expensive consumer articles. An never to leave your subsite unattended.
In case of suspicious activities always inform the staff.

To prevent fire it is adviced against smoking in the forrest. Open fire is not allowed. Campfire and fire to cook on only if the regulations are payed attention to (no contact with the forrest floor, above ground, in a barrel with a few inches of sand). Never leave a fire unattended. At the end of the evening, sprinkle with water to extinguish. Always have 2 buckets with water and 2 buckets with sand as well as a shovel nearby. You might also consider a fire extinguisher. 
In periods with longstanding drought an absolute ban of fires can be set.